设施的消息 & 信息

2020年2月-小心行事 & 冬天穿得合适

随着冬天的继续, 设施 工作人员 would like to share their “plan of attack” for snowy and severe weather days.  工作人员早上5点开始除雪.m. on snowy days, with plowing, brushing and shoveling of parking areas and sidewalks across campus.  雪清了以后, 如果大雪或结冰不再持续, crews then go back out with granular (salt) and liquid ice treatments.  一般来说,这将在早上8点.m. 早上9点.m. Newer areas of concrete – such as the Jets Fitness Trail – need to cure for at least six months to a year, 所以你可能会注意到小路上结了冰,很滑.

下午3:30以后.m. 或者下午4点.m. 当员工离开时,团队规模会小得多.  因此,夜间课程可能只能找到一条路. 在严重的情况下,可能会召回更多的人员.

请记住, 设施 asks all employees and 学生 to dress for the weather, with appropriate footwear – winter boots or hiking boots or shoes with good tread.  Avoid high heels or smooth-soled shoes that offer little traction in snowy and icy weather.

December 2017 – Building Temperatures (Space Temperature) Guidelines

加热 & 冷却服务 – The JC 设施 Department uses a system called BuildingLogiX to heat and cool all buildings on our campus.  BuildingLogiX is a web based application that allows improvement to energy performance, 建筑舒适, 降低运营成本.  Through this system the facilities team members can set and change temperatures to the buildings remotely.  All buildings are currently set with target temperatures between 71° and 74°.

使用空间加热器 – Space heaters should only be used when approved by the 设施 Department.  Space heaters are highly inefficient and pose a serious fire hazard in the workplace when not used or placed properly. The majority of space heaters are electric and often trip breakers. They also put a strain on the building when it is trying to maintain the temperature that facilities team members have programmed.   The use of space heaters in a person’s office area will trigger the cooling mode and cause cold air to fill the area as the building tries to maintain a set temperature.

季节性服装 – Individuals can contribute to their own comfort by wearing seasonally appropriate clothing.  The 设施 Department recommends keeping a sweater or light jacket to combat any coldness that may occur.

全球网络赌博平台 – The 设施 Department never wants anyone to be too cold or too warm!  It is our goal to make sure that everyone is comfortable in their areas.  请随意 or submit a work order and we would be happy to review your area!


The 设施 Department will be implementing a new de-icing agent, 液雪铲, 在中央校区的人行道上.  液雪铲 will be sprayed on sidewalks prior to each snowfall.  液体雪铲减少了清除积雪的时间, 防止建筑物地板和地毯上的颗粒盐, 而且是环保的.


设施人员的清洁优先级有高有低.  The 设施 Department has provided cleaning supplies in each building for employees to clean their offices and break areas as an option to help keep our buildings looking clean and welcoming. The building coordinators can assist any employee with accessing these supplies. 查看设施人员优先清洁.


The 设施 Department’s main phone number 517-796-8681 will now provide a series of options to dispatch 紧急的 设施相关事宜. Urgent issues such as ice and snow removal, water leaks, power outages, etc.  是否包含在菜单选项中.  It will automatically notify a 设施 Team Member based on the menu selection.  设施工作人员不会直接接听这个电话.

Examples of our menu options: (configured for open, limited, and closed hours)

  • 选项3 -用于紧急清洁/保管或活动需要
  • 选项4 -停电或紧急电力问题
  • 方案5 -用于紧急建筑物供暖和制冷问题

菜单选项为 紧急的 设备问题.  All non-urgent issues should be entered into the 设施 Department self-service work request system (SchoolDude).  日常工作要求每天都受到监督.


Service requests shall be classified as an urgent repair when the work requires immediate action to eliminate hazards that pose a threat to life, 健康, 或者教职员工的安全, 工作人员, 学生, 或者客人.  查看分类为 紧急或例行维修.