

布莱恩•琼斯上大学 让布莱恩·琼斯走上了通往新未来的道路. 杰克逊的大学’s 矫正教育计划 offered him that opportunity. 


当琼斯还是一名高三学生时,一个糟糕的选择改变了 的过程 他的未来. 持械抢劫罪名成立, 18岁时谋杀未遂和持枪重罪, 他在密歇根州的惩教系统里待了将近20年. 

2013年,也就是他获释前两年, he 听说在监狱里有机会上大学. Education offered an opportunity for a better future, so he chose the opportunity. 琼斯说:“我明白教育是伟大的均衡器. “You have to have certain tools to get out of prison, return to society, function and make a living. After being incarcerated for 15 years, I needed updated tools and education to return to society.” 

Jones l我喜欢他的“内心”课” 和维护 完美的4分.平均0分. 他修完了24个学分 在他释放之前,这也 让他做好了向外界过渡的准备. “这让我重新回到了接受信息的心态中, 批判性地思考,融入课堂环境. 尽管是由其他犯人组成的, it still began the orientation of my mind to know what a classroom feels like. When I did return to society and made that transition, it was very, very smooth.” 

琼斯在俄勒冈州立大学完成了副学士学位,继续他的学业兰德社区学院 律师助理程序. 他在东密歇根大学继续他的学业,然后 出席计划 法学院. 

的路径 has not 总是很容易. 东方起初拒绝了他 因为他被判重罪. 他对这一决定提出上诉,并举行了校园听证会. 有导师的推荐信, 家庭成员, 尤其是导师和前雇员, work he has done with the Goodwill organization – he was granted admission. 

在继续他的教育的同时,琼斯 提倡为监狱中的囚犯提供受教育的机会兰辛和华盛顿特区.C., 与全球网络赌博平台联系, 密歇根州惩教署, 以及维拉司法研究所. 他还开了一家自己的服装店.  

“Many persons who are incarcerated don’t feel going to college and obtaining an education is feasible to do. It is 不仅可行,而且意义重大 更简单 当你决定去做的时候去做. It is 一个选择. 做出选择 disciplining yourself to further your education, more opportunities will open up for you.” 



大学课程被推 JeQuillian 钱德勒和他的同学们尽他们所能做到最好. 全球网络赌博平台的惩戒教育全球网络赌博平台开辟了新的视野.  

JeQuillian “陈”·钱德勒上大学时只有一个目标—— to 利用他在监狱里的时间为更伟大的事业做准备. 

18岁因持械抢劫入狱 钱德勒 在他入狱的最初几年里,他一直在寻找自学的方法. 在图书馆工作,他可以接触到阅读和学习的资源. He kept that focus on self-improvement, and in 2013, an opportunity arose that would change his life. 

He was among the first 学生s to join what was then the 监狱教育倡议 (PEI) program in 2013, 当他被转移到库珀街监狱时. 被监禁的人 可以支付全球网络赌博平台的课程,而陈dler 用他攒的钱上了第一堂课. He took another the next semester and then was able to use Pell Grant funds to continue his studies. 到2017年,e’d 完成两个副学士学位. 

“当我开始工作时,我的重点并不是获得学位. The constant question I was asked was, ‘what are your plans post-incarceration?我想 我将 需要更直接的东西比如就业. 我认为上学是不可能的。. 在与全球网络赌博平台的教职员工交谈时, he learned about the opportunities available to him and gained a new perspective. 

学校里的班级很小, 只有10-15名学生, and one-on-one contact with the professor and each other created a healthy learning community, 在困难的地方成为希望的灯塔. “我们有一个竞争非常激烈的环境,但从健康的角度来看. 我们想成为最好的自己,”他说. 

在PEI全球网络赌博平台取得成功后, he realized that his incarceration would not prevent him from meaningful higher learning. In 2017, he reached out to several service organizations seeking help with the application process to other Michigan universities. 这是一个漫长而艰难的过程, but his educational goals had taken root and he was willing to put in the work. 在他 释放 2019年初,陈dler 成为第一个假释期间被录取的学生 密歇根大学安娜堡. He’s getting good grades in classes and has gotten involved in some 学生 organizations, sharing his own story to let people see what is possible for 学生s who were formerly incarcerated. 他希望鼓励其他人继续接受教育.  

“许多老年人不认为上学是一个可行的选择. 但如果你把教育看作垫脚石, you can get ahead while incarcerated – an associate degree is a huge stepping stone. 我强烈推荐它.” 



大学课程帮助拉姆齐更多地了解自己和 建立友情 的囚犯出狱后不到30天,他就有了一份有酬工作.  

拉姆齐·法库里(拉姆齐Fakhouri)高中毕业后就错过了机会. 他和一群不合群的人混在一起,“漫无目的地生活”.” 

韦恩州立大学的课程 大学不适合他. 上理发学校不适合他. He couldn’t find the right direction for 他的未来, but unfortunately, he found a wrong one. 21岁时,他被判有罪 bank 抢劫并被判处78个月监禁. 米兰的联邦惩教所成了他的住所. 

然而,我在那里他找到了方向. 决定生活是你自己创造的, 法库里在监狱里成功开辟了自己的道路, staying away from cliques and drama while learning to take responsibility for his own decisions. When he learned about the opportunity to enroll in college classes, he was ecstatic. 大学对他来说绝对是有意义的. 课程帮助他集中注意力,并开辟了新的交流渠道.  

“可以说,壳破了. 我们开始成长并公开谈论事情, 哪一种让人精神焕发, 尤其是在那种环境下.” 

在与同学交流的过程中,Fakhouri成为了一名优秀的学生. 他保持了完美的4分.平均成绩0分,毕业时拿到了三个副学士学位. He was the first 学生 from a federal prison facility inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. 为他的同学建立了一个辅导计划, 他去接受PTK的杰出分会成员奖. 

“You get to know your classmates on a different level when in class and sharing your life with them,他说. “The college class allowed people to grow together, to build a community if you will.” 

He began applying to universities before his 释放 and was accepted at one university that then rescinded its offer when it learned of his felony conviction. Later, he was accepted to the 密歇根大学 and received a scholarship. He’s currently taking classes at the U-M Dearborn campus in business administration – information systems management and expects to graduate in December 2020 or spring 2021. 

在他被释放不到30天的时间里, Fakhouri以45美元的薪水找到了一份质量经理的工作,000 +年薪. “That was monumental for me, and 杰克逊的大学 was a huge part of that.” 成立了自己的非营利组织, 第二次机会国家, 允许他回馈他所得到的一切. 

“我接受的教育为我打开了很多扇门,”他说. “I’d like to help break some of the common opinions about incarcerated people. I graduated with three associate degrees; I came out smarter, wiser, 能够找到一份工作,进行更有智慧的对话. 它超越了我生活的更多领域.” 


CEP 学生 finds 希望,做正确的事很有趣 thing 

“New hopes and dreams were discovered by me during my time at 杰克逊的大学. All of 会议期间的嘉宾功勋人物 研讨会鼓励了我,激励了我. 在那些研讨会上有很多我今天还在使用的工具. 在我的大学之旅中,有很多东西引起了我的共鸣. 我常常问自己, “如果这些对我一无所知的人都相信我, 那为什么我不能相信自己?”

“当我被监禁时,我没有任何希望. 我没有计划,我的未来充满了不确定性. 我对自己说,‘我是个重罪犯,我的人生完了.’ But 杰克逊的大学 blazed a trail for me so I took it and never looked back. 我不知道我能这么有效率. 我不知道自己这么聪明,这么有毅力. 我不知道做正确的事会这么有趣.

“I’ll forever be indebted to 杰克逊的大学 and the wonderful people that believed in me and gave me an opportunity. 杰克逊的大学 will forever be that beacon light of hope that keeps me out of the dark. 谢谢你们所做的一切!”